Rights & Responsibilities

  • You have the right to receive primary health care at the practice and, if appropriate, any of the additional health care that we offer under special arrangements with the Primary Care Trust.
  • Based on your clinical need you may be offered a referral to other community or hospital based medical services.
  • We aim to provide a friendly and welcoming environment and to treat all our patients promptly, courteously, and in complete confidence. Please tell the receptionist if you need to discuss confidential matters at reception, as we have a suitable space for this.
  • We do our best to meet the needs of as many of our patients as possible, but we also have to consider the needs of all those who work at our practice, which means you may not always be offered an appointment at the time when it is most convenient to you.
  • We are happy to receive your suggestions or comments on any aspects of our service, but we also have a formal complaints procedure in place. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please do so in writing addressed to the practice manager.
  • We ask you in return to treat us courteously, to keep your appointments, to attend on time, and to let us know if you are unable to attend or no longer need an appointment.
  • Naturally, we do not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour on our premises towards our staff, the doctors, or other patients.
  • We reserve the right to remove patients behaving inappropriately from our list.